Firstly! I wanna say a massive hello to you! and a massive thank you for taking the time to check out the AlexaJade blog. As you clicked the ‘About me’ Part I’m guessing you’re interested in getting to know me!
Hi I am AlexaJade
I’m an average 20 something girl. A lesbian, a blogger, a massive lover of all things Disney, A bit of a geek and proud, and I’m a pretty big dreamer. Oh, and I love being all girly!

A massive love of mine is crafting, in all different shapes and sizes. I started scrapbooking as a child, and my love for craft grew from there.
My blogging story
I’ve been blogging for over 9 years, on and off. I started The AlexaJade blog in 2017! after a massive break. I am proud to say I class my blog as a lifestyle blog, but I don’t follow just one niche! In-person I am random, so I wanted my blog to reflect that, its random bits of things I love.
I have always had a lot of hectic, full-on experiences in life so far, so I am to tell you as many of them as I can in the hope that I can help others.
My favourite posts:
I thought I’d leave some of my favourite posts for you here as a suggestion on what to read. enjoy 😉 (Ill update and change these from time to time)
5 reasons the craft world can help your mental health.
Why I think the Cricut is any crafters best friend.
Why I blog
Our Disney Trip

the bio page is the hardest part im quite new to blogging x